Saint Louis University's

PGSA Conference

18–19 October 2024

Philosophies of

Time, Motion, & Change

Annual Philosophy Graduate Student Association Conference

*** Note: our conference date has moved from 11–12 to  18–19 October 2024. ***

Each fall, Saint Louis University's Philosophy Graduate Student Association organizes a conference for graduate students in philosophy and associated disciplines around a central theme. Typically, approximately half a dozen graduate students are selected by peer review to present their work on that theme. Moreover, one or two prominent philosophers are invited to give a keynote lecture on that theme. In this way, our conference not only provides a venue for graduate students in philosophy and associated disciplines to gain exposure and experience, but also offers graduate students an opportunity to interact with eminent scholars in their field of interest. 

Our 2024 conference theme will be Philosophies of Time, Motion, and Change

Our 2024 keynote speakers will be Professors Godehard Brüntrup (HFPH/SLU) and Dean Zimmerman (Rutgers).